Merger, acquisition, selling minority or majority stakes in a company out to an external investor are for most of the companies a single event. At the same time this deal is of the great strategic significance. Therefore using a professional advisory of an extensive case experience is nothing more then just a must.
Antares Corporate Finance Sp z o.o. assistance and expertise result in:
- financial and business risk cutback.
- a Sale or a Buy made at the best possible price
- most advantageous deal terms
- the company assessment made by an independent Advisory, neither affiliated with the owners nor involved into the internal company problems lets to determine its true present value and to predict it realistically in the future
- while pre-acquisition preparations are always very time consuming and disruptive, the Advisory releases the Board from these operations thus letting the management works to be continued without anything in the way.Good and established business relations with financial institutions, investment funds and private investors let the most attractive funds resources be more accessible and better suited to the customer's needs
- assessing the company considering its wide market environment enables defining the competitive advantage and the most substantial threats.